CMU 15-110: Principles of Computing
Unit 3: Case Studies + Further Practice

# Here is the code we wrote in class. # Some functions were written multiple times, to demonstrate # different approaches you might take in writing them. def isVowel(c): c = c.lower() if ((c == 'a') or (c == 'e') or (c == 'i') or (c == 'o') or (c == 'u') or (c == 'y')): return True else: return False def isVowel(c): c = c.lower() vowels = 'aeiouy' if (c in vowels): return True else: return False def isVowel(c): return c.lower() in 'aeiouy' def testIsVowel(): print('Testing isVowel()...', end='') assert(isVowel('a') == True) assert(isVowel('u') == True) assert(isVowel('y') == True) assert(isVowel('O') == True) assert(isVowel('q') == False) assert(isVowel('m') == False) print('Passed!') testIsVowel() def vowelCount(s): count = 0 for c in s: if (isVowel(c) == True): count += 1 return count def testVowelCount(): print('Testing vowelCount()...', end='') assert(vowelCount('abc') == 1) assert(vowelCount('abcdeabcde') == 4) assert(vowelCount('abcdEABcde') == 4) assert(vowelCount('') == 0) assert(vowelCount('aeiouy') == 6) print('Passed!') testVowelCount() def reverseString(s): result = '' for c in s: result = c + result return result def testReverseString(): print('Testing reverseString()...', end='') assert(reverseString('a') == 'a') assert(reverseString('abc') == 'cba') assert(reverseString('') == '') print('Passed!') testReverseString() def isPalindrome(s): for i in range(len(s)): cLeft = s[i] cRight = s[len(s)-1-i] if (cLeft != cRight): return False return True def isPalindrome(s): if (s == reverseString(s)): return True else: return False def isPalindrome(s): return (s == reverseString(s)) def testIsPalindrome(): print('Testing isPalindrome()...', end='') assert(isPalindrome('a') == True) assert(isPalindrome('aa') == True) assert(isPalindrome('aba') == True) assert(isPalindrome('abcba') == True) assert(isPalindrome('') == True) assert(isPalindrome('abc') == False) assert(isPalindrome('abcb') == False) assert(isPalindrome('abcbab') == False) print('Passed!') testIsPalindrome()