15-112 Spring 2014 Homework 6
Due Sunday, 23-Feb, at 10pm

Read these instructions first!
  1. Manually-Graded

    1. Previous Quiz [10 pts]

      1. #1-4 from f12-midterm1 (you may skip the last part of question 3 where you are asked to draw some graphics)

      2. #1-2 from f12-quiz5

    2. More Reasoning Over Code [10 pts]
      See f12 hw7b (all).

  2. Autograded

    1. isMagicSquare [10 pts]
      See f12 practice-thru-week-7.

    2. wordSearchWithIntegerWildcards [10 pts]
      See f12-quiz5 (name the function wordSearchWithIntegerWildcards, and just return True if the word is present and False otherwise, as the autograder will be checking only for those values).

    3. isKingsTour [15 pts]
      See f12 midterm.

    4. isLegalSudoku [25 pts]
      See f12 hw7a.

    5. bestQuiz [10 pts]
      See f12-hw7a.

    6. friendsOfFriends [10 pts]
      See f12 hw7a.

  3. Bonus/Optional

    1. isola  [up to 5 pts]
      Write a console-based version of this game:
      Include the function playIsola() in your hw6.py file if you did this bonus so we can find it and grade it.  All the design decisions are left up to you (and we do understand that console-based games have their limitations).  Have fun!

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