Computer Science 15-110, Spring 2011
Style Facts and Style Rubric

Some Style Facts:

Style Rubric

At some to-be-determined point, we may grade for style, after which style will be worth about 10 to 15 points on each hw. Each style issue is either entirely right or not. So if you have ONE line beyond 80 characters, then you lose the 2 style points for that issue. If you have 50 lines beyond 80 characters, you do not lose 50x those points. You just lose them once per issue.

While you may in theory lose up to 5*4 + 2*15 = 50 points, there are no negative style grades. Lowest style grade is 0.

  1. 5-Point Style Issues
    1. No syntax errors (even if your code has logical errors or runtime errors!).
    2. Use correctly-named files with correctly-named functions (where applicable)
      (Note: simple rule -- it is at least a 5-point penalty if CA's must manually edit your code to get the autograder to work)
    3. Use comments
      (Note: not using any comments is a 5-point error; not using enough comments is just a 2-point error.)
    4. Use top-down design with unit testing
      (Note: not using any helper functions (where appropriate) or any test functions is a 5-point error; not using enough is just a 2-point error.)
  2. 2-Point Style Issues
    1. Include your name, andrew id, and section in a comment at the top of every file you submit
    2. Use a clear, robust design
    3. Use meaningful variable and function names (whenever possible)
    4. Use proper mixedCase/camelCase naming, with the first letter in lowercase (eg: tetrisPiece)
    5. Include all obvious boundary cases in test functions
    6. Use helper functions liberally
      Do not have more than 20 lines in any one function (or 25 lines for functions using or graphics).
      (While it is possible to have a well-written 20+ line function, we need a simple hard-and-fast rule for grading purposes...)
    7. Comment liberally but not excessively, using clear language in comments
      (Note: if you do not write any comments, then you lose 5 points from the previous list and so this item would not apply here.)
    8. Do not exceed 80-characters in any one line
    9. Indent properly.
    10. Do not use magic numbers.
      In particular, every number besides -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2 must be stored in a well-named variable.
    11. Do not be grossly inefficient
      (You are generally not responsible for efficiency in 15-110, and you do not have to use the most efficient solution in general; but the exception is if you are truly "grossly" inefficient, particularly if your approach is also unclear, and especially if you had simple, clear, and reasonably efficient options to choose from.)
    12. Do not duplicate code (instead of copy-pasting, place the code in a helper function)
    13. When appropriate, provide meaningful UI (clear prompts, clear output)
    14. Use "else" where appropriate
      So this code loses 2 points:
        if (x < 2): foo()
        if (x > 3): bar() # <- should be "elif"
    15. Follow other guidelines as described in the class notes