Computer Science 15-110, Spring 2011
Class Notes:  Conditionals and Loops Practice (Problem-Solving)

  1. Some Basic Functions
    1. isSortedString
    2. findNthVowel
    3. printSquare
    4. printDiamond
    5. nthPrimeNumber
  2. Hangman
  3. Sample Solutions

Conditionals and Loops Practice (Problem-Solving)

  1. Some Basic Functions
    1. isSortedString
      Write the function isSortedString that takes a string and returns True if that string is sorted either in non-increasing or non-decreasing order (according to the Unicode values of the characters).   Here are some test cases and some starter code for you:

      def isSortedString(s):
          # you write this!

      def testIsSortedString():
          print "testingIsSortedString()...",
          assert(isSortedString("CMU") == True)
          assert(isSortedString("UPMC") == True)
          assert(isSortedString("MIT") == False)
          assert(isSortedString("CCMMUU") == True)
          assert(isSortedString("CMUCMU") == False)
          assert(isSortedString("A") == True)
          assert(isSortedString("") == True)
          print "Passed!"

    2. findNthVowel
      Write the function findNthVowel that takes a string and an integer N and returns the index of the Nth vowel in the string, or -1 if there are not N vowels in the string.  Vowels are "A", "E", "I", "O", and "U" (in upper or lower case).  Here are some test cases and some starter code for you:

      def findNthVowel(s, n):
          # you write this!

      def testFindNthVowel():
          print "Testing findNthVowel()...",
          assert(findNthVowel("AB", 0) == 0)
          assert(findNthVowel("BA", 0) == 1)
          assert(findNthVowel("BA", 1) == -1)
          assert(findNthVowel("ABCDEABCDE", 0) == 0)
          assert(findNthVowel("ABCDEABCDE", 1) == 4)
          assert(findNthVowel("ABCDEABCDE", 2) == 5)
          assert(findNthVowel("ABCDEABCDE", 3) == 9)
          assert(findNthVowel("ABCDEABCDE", 4) == -1)
          assert(findNthVowel("eBCDoIBCDu", 3) == 9)
          assert(findNthVowel("eBCDoIBCDu", 4) == -1)
          print "Passed!"


    3. printSquare
      Write the function printSquare that takes a non-negative integer N and prints an NxN square of asterisks ("*").  This function is not easily robotically testable (why not?).

    4. printDiamond
      Write the function printDiamond that takes a non-negative integer N and prints an NxN diamond (rotated square) of asterisks ("*").  This function is also not easily robotically testable.

    5. nthPrime
      Write the function nthPrime that takes a non-negative integer N and returns the Nth prime number.  If N is negative, return -1.  Here are some test cases and some starter code for you:

      def nthPrime(n):
          # you write this!

      def testNthPrime():
          print "Testing nthPrime()...",
          assert(nthPrime(0) == 2)
          assert(nthPrime(1) == 3)
          assert(nthPrime(2) == 5)
          assert(nthPrime(3) == 7)
          assert(nthPrime(4) == 11)
          assert(nthPrime(5) == 13)
          assert(nthPrime(6) == 17)
          assert(nthPrime(7) == 19)
          assert(nthPrime(8) == 23)
          assert(nthPrime(1000) == 7927) # some would say this is the 1001st
          print "Passed!"


  2. Hangman
    Write the function playHangman, which takes no parameters and plays a game of Hangman.  Seeing as we have not yet covered random numbers or lists, we will provide you with the function getRandomWord(), which returns a randomly-chosen word (from a list of words that supposedly are good choices for playing Hangman):

    # Include all this code in your Hangman solution.
    # Note that the words are in white text here to not give them away
    # (though you'll see them briefly when you copy-paste this text...)
    import time
    def getRandomWord():
        # We have not yet covered lists, so you are not responsible for
        # this function.  But we will use it in our Hangman game.
        words = [ "abbey","abruptly","affix","askew","axiom","azure",
        # Also, we can't use Python's random functions until CLEESE 0.11, so
        # we'll use a not-so-random way to choose a number from 0 to N-1:
        n = len(words)
        randIndex = int(100*time.time()) % n
        return words[randIndex]

  3. Sample Solutions
    Here are some sample solutions to the problems in these notes.

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