15-112 Spring 2015 Homework 8
Due Monday, 23-Mar, at 10pm

Read these instructions first!

Hw8a: OOP (iteration allowed)
  1. CA-led mini-lectures [5 pts] [manually graded]
    As announced on piazza, as part of hw8, you must attend at least one of these (we'll take attendance, so there's nothing you need to submit as part of hw8 for this). While you only have to attend one session, you may optionally attend as many as you wish. There are some really interesting topics here, so enjoy!!!! And the CA's will lead a bunch more of these lectures in the coming weeks. Great stuff (and thanks, CA's)!

    Here are the lectures topics and times. Note that these will be in WEH 7500 unless otherwise noted:
    • Tuesday 8pm-9pm: Image Manipulation (analyzing images)
    • Tuesday 9pm-10pm: pygame (a powerful Python game platform)
    • Wednesday 6pm-7pm: 1-player AI (playing games like 15-puzzle, sudoku, etc)
    • Wednesday 7pm-8pm: 2-player AI (playing games like chess, checkers, othello, etc)
    • Wednesday 8pm-9pm: OpenCV (using webcams)
    • Thursday 7pm-8pm: OpenCV (repeat) in DH 2210
    • Sunday 8am-9am: Topic TBD. Meet in Citadel Commons, GHC 5th Floor.
    For those who have university-approved conflicts with every single one of these timeslots, you need to contact your professor directly, listing each conflict, in order to be excused from the hw8 requirement.

  2. 5-to-10-minute TP meetings [5 pts] [manually graded]
    See f14-hw8-#1 for details. These will be 5 minutes, but may expand to 10 minutes at your CA's discretion.

  3. csvToObjects(csv) [10 pts] [autograded]
    Write the function csvToObjects(csv) that takes a single string of comma-separated data (as would be saved, say, by a spreadsheet like Excel if you save-as into CSV format), and returns a list of objects (instances of the Struct class) where each object corresponds to a row of data, and values for that row are stored in attributes corresponding to the column labels (which are in the first row of the data). This is less confusing than it sounds, and a test function should clear up any confusions, so look this over carefully:
    def testCsvToObjects():
        print "Testing csvToObjects()...",
        csv = """\
        data = csvToObjects(csv)
        assert(len(data) == 2)
        fred = data[0]
        wilma = data[1]
        assert(fred.name == "fred")
        assert(fred.age == 18)
        assert(fred.gpa == 3.6)
        assert(wilma.name == "wilma")
        assert(wilma.age == 19)
        assert(wilma.gpa == 3.8)
        print "passed!"

  4. objectsToCsv(data) [10 pts] [autograded]
    Write the function objectsToCsv(objects) that basically works like csvToObjects, only in reverse. That is, it takes a list of objects (which you may assume are all instances of Structs, and all have the same attributes, though with different values), and returns a CSV string, formatted as described above. One thing: the column labels must be alphabetized (check out the example below for details). Again, a test function is invaluable here, so:
    def testObjectsToCsv():
        print "Testing objectsToCsv()...",
        data = [Struct(name="fred", age=18, gpa=3.6),
                Struct(name="wilma", age=19, gpa=3.8)]
        csv = objectsToCsv(data)
        # note that expected csv must have labels in alphabetical order
        expectedCsv = """\
        assert(csv == expectedCsv)
        print "passed!"

  5. OOPy Frogger [30 pts] [manually graded]
    Write the function playOopyFrogger() that takes no parameters and runs an interactive game of Frogger (see here for details). Actually, your Frogger should be quite simplified: you only need cars (two kinds, that run at different speeds), trucks that are slower than cars, logs of different lengths, and turtles, and each can be drawn with only rectangles or ovals (where each type gets its own unique combination of shape and color, so, say, all the turtles are red circles). You need to use instances of these classes: SlowCar, FastCar, Truck, Log, Turtle (the details of these classes are left for you to decide). Your game must also use our class-based animation, so it must create a class that extends eventBasedAnimation.Animation, as in this week's notes. Many design decisions are left to you. Have fun and be creative, but do not go crazy with this -- it is just one part of one hw. The focus is on OOP more than graphics and great gameplay, so keep it simple, but still make sure that basic gameplay works (so there is a score, a timer, some number of remaining lives, and a hi score, all as in the screenshot at the top of the Wikipedia page). Again, keep your graphics very simple. And have fun!

  6. Bonus/Optional: 3d Tetris [5 pts, manually graded]
    Note that this is available to everyone, even if you submitted play3dTetris as earlier bonus. In that case, you may resubmit it here, but you should make at least one clear improvement to it (and include a comment at the top of the file describing that improvement).

    Write the function play3dTetris() that takes no arguments and plays a 3d version of Tetris, similar for example to this video. Include a help screen when the user presses 'h', which explains the controls. Do this using Tkinter, so keep the graphics as simple as you can while still looking 3d. Keep your time on this capped to 5 hours or less. Have yet more fun!

Hw8b: Recursion (iteration not allowed!)

  1. nthLeftTruncatablePrime [10 pts] [autograded]
    Adapted from f14-hw2. Without using any iteration, write the recursive function nthLeftTruncatablePrime(n). See here for details. So nthLeftTruncatablePrime(0) returns 2, and nthLeftTruncatablePrime(10) returns 53.

  2. carrylessAdd [10 pts] [autograded]
    Adapted from f14-hw2. First, read the first page (page 44) from here about Carryless Arithmetic. Fun! Then, without using any iteration, write the recursive function carrylessAdd(x, y) that takes two non-negative integers x and y and returns their carryless sum. As the paper demonstrates, carrylessAdd(785, 376) returns 51.

  3. longestDigitRun [10 pts] [autograded]
    Adapted from f14-hw2. Without using any iteration, write the recursive function longestDigitRun(n) that takes an int value n and returns the digit that has the longest consecutive run, or the smallest such digit if there is a tie. So, longestDigitRun(117773732) returns 7 (because there is a run of 3 consecutive 7's).

  4. longestSubpalindrome [10 pts] [autograded]
    Adapted from f14-hw4. Without using any iteration, write the recursive function longestSubpalindrome(s), that takes a string s and returns the longest palindrome that occurs as consecutive characters (not just letters, but any characters) in s. So:
    returns "b-4-b". If there is a tie, return the lexicographically larger value -- in Python, a string s1 is lexicographically greater than a string s2 if (s1 > s2). So:
    returns "cbc", since ("cbc" > "bcb"). Note that this function is case-sensitive (so "A" is not treated the same as "a" here). Also, from the explanation above, we see that longestSubpalindrome("aba") is "aba", and longestSubpalindrome("a") is "a". Note that longestSubpalindrome("") is "".