15-112 Spring 2013 Quiz 6
* 25 Minutes.  No calculators, no notes, no books, no computers.
* Show your work. Circle your answers.

1.    Quick Answers. [10 pts]

a.    What is the key difference between a list and a tuple?

b.    Given a 2d list L, it is possible for a function to return an alias to any row in L, but it is impossible for the function to return an alias to any column in L. In just a few words, why is that impossible?

2.    Code Tracing [15 pts]  Indicate what this will print:

import copy

def f(L):

    (L1, L2, L3) = (L, copy.copy(L), copy.deepcopy(L))

    L1[0][0] = 7

    L2[0][1] = 8

    L3[1][0] = 9

    return (L1, L2, L3)

L = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

M = f(L)

print M

for LL in M: print (L is LL, L == LL),

3.    Reasoning Over Code [15 pts]
Find arguments for the following function that makes it return True.

def g(L):

    (m,n) = (len(L), len(L[0]))

    A = [ ]

    for r in xrange(m):

        for c in xrange(n):


    assert(sorted(A) == range(m*n))

    return (L[m-2][n-2] == L[m-1][n-1] + 1)

4.       Free Response:  hasColOfZeros [10 pts]:  Write the function hasColOfZeros(L) that takes a 2d list L and returns True if at least one column in L only contains 0’s, and False otherwise.

5.       Free Response:  hasMoveFromCellInDirection [50 pts]:   Write the function hasMoveFromCellInDirection from the Othello case study as posted in the course notes.  Of course, we don’t expect you to have memorized this, but rather you should be familiar with it and be able to quickly derive it here from first principles.  To refresh your memory:
      hasMoveFromCellInDirection(board, player, startRow, startCol, dir)
This function takes an Othello board, the current player, the starting row and column of the move, and the direction of the move, and returns True if a move can be made at that location by that player on that board in that direction, and False otherwise.  You may also recall that dir is an int where 0 is up-left, and the directions proceed left-to-right, then top-to-bottom, so 1 is straight up, 2 is up-right, and so on, up until 7 which is down-right.   We have provided the first line for you:
def hasMoveFromCellInDirection(board, player, startRow, startCol, dir):


6.  Bonus/Optional: [5 pts]  Indicate what the following will print:
def h(L):
    try: return [L if (L[0][0] == len(L)) else 42] + h(L[1:])
    except: return L
print h([[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[4,5,6]])