CMU 15-110 Fall 2018: Principles of Computing
Homework 9 (Due Tuesday 13-Nov at 8pm)

Team Hw9

Solo Hw9

Important: All answers on this hw must use recursion. To receive any credit, no answers can use 'for' or 'while' loops at all!
  1. oddCount(L) [10 pts]
    Write the recursive function oddCount(L) that takes a list of integers L, and returns the number of odd numbers in L.

  2. areNearlyEqual(L, M) [15 pts]
    We will say that two lists of integers are "nearly equal" if they are the same length, and the corresponding values in the lists are all within 1 (inclusive) of each other. With this in mind, write the recursive function areNearlyEqual(L, M) that takes two lists of integers, and returns True if they are "nearly equal" as just defined, or False otherwise. So:
        assert(areNearlyEqual([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) == True)
        assert(areNearlyEqual([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]) == True)
        assert(areNearlyEqual([2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]) == True)
        assert(areNearlyEqual([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 5]) == False)
        assert(areNearlyEqual([2, 3, 4], [1, 2]) == False)

  3. complementaryDNA(dna) [15 pts]
    We can represent a strand of DNA using a Python string that contains a sequence of 'A', 'T', 'C', or 'G'. Plus, for any such strand of DNA, we define its complementary strand as having the same length, but where 'A' is converted to 'T', 'T' to 'A', 'C' to 'G', and 'G' to 'C'. With this in mind, write the recursive function complementaryDNA(dna) that takes a string (that you may assume contains only legal letters -- ATCG), and returns the complementary DNA string. So, for example:
         assert(complementaryDNA('ATGCCGTA') == 'TACGGCAT')
    Hint: this dictionary may be helpful here:
    DNA_MAP = { 'A':'T', 'T':'A', 'G':'C', 'C':'G' }

  4. nthLucasNumber(n) [10 pts]
    Lucas Numbers are very similar to Fibonnaci Numbers. You can read (briefly) about Lucas Numbers here. Then write the recursive function nthLucasNumber(n) that takes a non-negative int n and recursively computes the nth Lucas Number. For example, since the Lucas Numbers are [2,1,3,4,7,...], we see:
        assert(nthLucasNumber(0) == 2)
        assert(nthLucasNumber(1) == 1)
        assert(nthLucasNumber(2) == 3)
        assert(nthLucasNumber(3) == 4)
        assert(nthLucasNumber(4) == 7)

  5. bonus/optional: flatten(L) [2.5 pts]
    Write the recursive and non-destructive function flatten(L), which takes a list which may contain lists (which themselves may contain lists, and so on), and returns a single list (which does not contain any other lists) which contains each of the non-lists, in order, from the original list. This is called flattening the list. For example:
        assert(flatten([1,[2]]) == [1,2])
        assert(flatten([1,2,[3,[4,5],6],7]) == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
        assert(flatten(['wow', [2,[[]]], [True]]) == ['wow', 2, True])
        assert(flatten([]) == [])
        assert(flatten([[]]) == [])
    Hint: you may wish to use type(L) here to check the value is in fact a list. Note that if the top-level value is not a list, just return that value. So flatten(3) returns 3.