15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Class Notes: Conditionals

  1. Conditionals
    # simple if statement
    def abs(n):
        if (n < 0):
            n = -n
        return n
    # again, with same-line indenting
    def abs(n):
        if (n < 0): n = -n # only indent this way for very short lines (if at all)
        return n
    # again, with multiple return statements
    def abs(n):
        if (n < 0):
            return -n
        return n
    # aside: you can do this with boolean arithmetic, but don't!
    def abs(n):
        return (n < 0)*(-n) + (n>=0)*(n) # this is awful!
    # simple if-else statement
    def abs(n):
        if (n >= 0):
            return n
            return -n
    # or, if you prefer...
    def abs(n):
        if (n >= 0):
            sign = +1
            sign = -1
        return sign * n
    # simple if-else expression (not a conditional statement!)
    def abs(n):
        return n if (n >= 0) else -n
    # simple if-elif-else statement
    def numberOfQuadraticRoots(a, b, c):
        d = b**2 - 4*a*c
        if (d > 0):
            return 2
        elif (d == 0):
            return 1
            return 0
    # another example
    def getGrade(score):
        if (score >= 90):
            grade = "A"
        elif (score >= 80):
            grade = "B"
        elif (score >= 70):
            grade = "C"
        elif (score >= 60):
            grade = "D"
            grade = "F"
        return grade
    # another if-else example
    def round(d):
        sign = 1 if (d >= 0) else -1
        d = abs(d)
        if (d % 1 < 0.5):
            return sign * int(d)
            return sign * (int(d) + 1)
    # and another way to do the same thing
    def round(d):
        sign = 1 if (d >= 0) else -1
        d = abs(d)
        offset = 0 if (d % 1 < 0.5) else 1
        return sign * (int(d) + offset)
    # and a reasonably clear way, without any conditionals or boolean arithmetic!
    import math
    def round(d):
        sign = int(math.copysign(1, d)) # +1 for positive, -1 for negative
        d = abs(d)
        offset = int(d%1 + 0.5)
        return sign * (int(d) + offset)

  2. Incorrect Usage
    See here.