15-112 Fall 2012 Optional Quiz B (Autograded)
45 minutes

Read these instructions first!
  1. isPalindromicWing [10pts]
  2. nthPalindromicWingPrime [15pts]
  3. fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime [25pts]

  1. isPalindromicWing [10pts]
    A number is a "palindromic wing" if it is of the form xxxxxYxxxxx, so the x's form the "wings" and the Y is the "body" (and where x and Y are single (non-negative) digits, and the two wings have the same non-zero length).  With this in mind, write the function isPalindromicWing(n), that takes an integer n and returns True if it is a palindromic wing and False otherwise.  Hint:  we found it useful to convert numbers to strings in part of our sample solution, though that certainly is not required here.  Here is a sample test function for you:
    def testIsPalindromicWing():
        print "Testing isPalindromicWing()...",
        assert(isPalindromicWing(2223222) == True)
        assert(isPalindromicWing(2232322) == False)
        assert(isPalindromicWing(2233322) == False)
        assert(isPalindromicWing(22) == False) # too small
        assert(isPalindromicWing(2222) == False) # must have odd # of digits (right?)
        print "Passed!"
  2. nthPalindromicWingPrime [15pts]
    A number is a palindromic wing prime if it is both a palindromic wing and prime.  Here are the first several palindromic wing primes:
    101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, 373, 383, 727, 757, 787, 797, 919, 929, 11311, 11411, 33533, 77377, 77477, 77977, 1114111, 1117111, 3331333, 3337333, 7772777, 7774777, 7778777, 111181111, 111191111, 777767777, 77777677777,...

    With this in mind, write nthPalindromicWingPrime the naive way -- that is, just as we wrote nthPrime in the course notes.  This should work just fine for small numbers n.  Here is a sample test function for you:
    def testNthPalindromicWingPrime():
        print "Testing nthPalindromicWingPrime()...",
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(0) == 101)
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(1) == 131)
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(2) == 151)
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(3) == 181)
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(4) == 191)
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(5) == 313)
        assert(nthPalindromicWingPrime(15) == 11311)
        print "Passed!"
  3. fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime [25pts]
    Unfortunately, the naive algorithm in the previous solution does not run fast enough for anything but the smallest n.  And so here you must fix that and write fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime(n), that produces the same results as nthPalindromicWingPrime(n), only faster.  The key: do not check every possible integer to see if it is a palindromic wing and if it is prime.  Instead, think of a way to generate the palindromic wings in order...  Here is a sample test function for you (and this test function should run with nearly no delay):
    def testFasterNthPalindromicWingPrime():
        print "Testing fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime()...",
        assert(fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime(29) == 111191111)
        assert(fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime(30) == 777767777)
        assert(fasterNthPalindromicWingPrime(31) == 77777677777)
        print "Passed!"

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