Computer Science 15-112, Fall 2012
Class Notes:  Efficiency

  1. Required Reading
  2. Big-Oh
  3. Common Function Families
  4. Efficiency
  5. The Big Idea
  6. Examples


  1. Required Reading
    1. Wikipedia page on Big-Oh Notation (you may gloss over the formal details!)
  2. Big-Oh
    1. Describes asymptotic behavior of a function
    2. Informally (for 15112):  ignore all lower-order terms and constants
    3. Formally (after 15112):  see here
    4. A few examples:
  3. Common Function Families
    1. Common Function Families (in increasing size)
      1. Constant  (k)
      2. Logarithmic  (logkn)
      3. Square-Root (n0.5)
      4. Linear  (kn)
      5. Linearithmic, Loglinear, or quasilinear  (nlogn)
      6. Quadratic  (kn2)
      7. Exponential  (kn)
    2. Graphically
      (Images borrowed from here)

  4. Efficiency
  5. The Big Idea
  6. Examples
    1. isPrime versus fasterIsPrime
    2. linear search versus binary search
      • Definitions
        • Linear search:  check each element in turn
        • Binary search:  check middle element, eliminate half on each pass
      • Number-guessing game
      • Find a value in a sorted list (if we knew about lists...)
      • Find a root (zero) of a function with bisection (really just binary search)
    3. selectionsort versus mergesort
      • See David Eck's most-excellent xSortLab
      • Also see these fun dancing-based visualizations of selectionsort and mergesort
      • Definitions
        • selectionsort: repeatedly select largest remaining element and swap it into sorted position
        • mergesort:  sort blocks of 1's into 2's, 2's into 4's, etc, on each pass merging sorted blocks into sorted larger blocks
      • Analysis (in class)
    4. From lab2:  isPrime(nthHappyNumber(n))
    5. Sum of squares example
      # The following functions all solve the same problem:
      # Given a non-negative integer n, return True if n is the sum
      # of the squares of two non-negative integers, and False otherwise.
      def f1(n):
          for x in xrange(n+1):
              for y in xrange(n+1):
                  if (x**2 + y**2 == n):
                      return True
          return False
      def f2(n):
          for x in xrange(n+1):
              for y in xrange(x,n+1):
                  if (x**2 + y**2 == n):
                      return True
          return False
      def f3(n):
          xmax = int(n**0.5)
          for x in xrange(xmax+1):
              for y in xrange(x,n+1):
                  if (x**2 + y**2 == n):
                      return True
          return False
      def f4(n):
          xyMax = int(n**0.5)
          for x in xrange(xyMax+1):
              for y in xrange(x,xyMax+1):
                  if (x**2 + y**2 == n):
                      return True
          return False
      def f5(n):
          xyMax = int(n**0.5)
          for x in xrange(xyMax+1):
              y = int((n - x**2)**0.5)
              if (x**2 + y**2 == n):
                  return True
          return False
      def testFunctionsMatch():
          # first, verify that all 5 functions work the same
          maxToCheck = 200
          print "Verifying that all functions work the same..."
          for n in xrange(maxToCheck):
              assert(f1(n) == f2(n) == f3(n) == f4(n) == f5(n))
          print "All functions match up to n =", maxToCheck
      import time
      def timeFnCall(f, n):
          # call f(n) and return time in ms
          # Actually, since one call may require less than 1 ms,
          # we'll keep calling until we get at least 1 secs,
          # then divide by # of calls we had to make
          calls = 0
          start = end = time.time()
          while (end - start < 1):
              calls += 1
              end = time.time()
          return float(end - start)/calls*1000 #(convert to ms)
      def timeFnCalls(n):
          print "\n***************"
          for f in [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5]:
              print ("%s(%d) takes %8.3f milliseconds" %
                     (f.__name__, n, timeFnCall(f, n)))
    6. Sum of Prime Factors example
      # The following functions all solve the same problem:
      # Given a non-negative integer n, return the sum of its
      # prime factors (with repetition, so f(4) = 2+2, since 4 == 2**2).
      def isPrime(n):
          if (n < 2):
              return False
          if (n == 2):
              return True
          if (n % 2 == 0):
              return False
          maxFactor = int(round(n**0.5))
          for factor in xrange(2,maxFactor+1):
              if (n % factor == 0):
                  return False
          return True
      def nthPrime(n):
          found = 0
          guess = 0
          while (found <= n):
              guess += 1
              if (isPrime(guess)):
                  found += 1
          return guess
      def powerOfPrimeFactor(n, primeFactor):
          power = 0
          while (n % (primeFactor**(power+1)) == 0):
              power += 1
          return power
      def f1(n):
          sum = 0
          k = 0
          while (nthPrime(k) <= n):
              if (n % nthPrime(k) == 0):
                  # found a prime factor
                  sum += nthPrime(k) * powerOfPrimeFactor(n, nthPrime(k))
              k += 1
          return sum
      def f2(n):
          sum = 0
          k = 0
          prime = nthPrime(k)
          while (prime <= n):
              if (n % prime == 0):
                  # found a prime factor
                  sum += prime * powerOfPrimeFactor(n, prime)
              k += 1
              prime = nthPrime(k)
          return sum
      def f3(n):
          sum = 0
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              if (isPrime(prime) and (n % prime == 0)):
                  # found a prime factor
                  sum += prime * powerOfPrimeFactor(n, prime)
          return sum
      def f4(n):
          sum = 0
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              if ((n % prime == 0) and isPrime(prime)):
                  # found a prime factor
                  sum += prime * powerOfPrimeFactor(n, prime)
          return sum
      def f5(n):
          sum = 0
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              if (n % prime == 0):
                  # found a prime factor
                  power = powerOfPrimeFactor(n, prime)
                  sum += prime * power
                  n /= (prime ** power)
                  if (n <= 1): break
          return sum
      def f6(n):
          # Same as f5(n), with powerOfPrimeFactor inlined
          sum = 0
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              if (n % prime == 0):
                  # found a prime factor
                  power = 0
                  while (n % (prime**(power+1)) == 0):
                      power += 1
                  sum += prime * power
                  n /= (prime ** power)
                  if (n <= 1): break
          return sum
      def f7(n):
          sum = 0
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              while (n % prime == 0):
                  sum += prime
                  n /= prime
              if (n <= 1): break
          return sum
      def f8(n):
          sum = 0
          primeProduct = 1
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              while (n % (primeProduct*prime) == 0):
                  sum += prime
                  primeProduct *= prime
              if (primeProduct == n): break
          return sum
      def f9(n):
          sum = 0
          primeProduct = 1
          for prime in xrange(2, n+1):
              while (n % (primeProduct*prime) == 0):
                  sum += prime
                  primeProduct *= prime
                  if (primeProduct == n): break
          return sum
      def testFunctionsMatch():
          # first, verify that all 5 functions work the same
          maxToCheck = 200
          print "Verifying that all functions work the same..."
          for n in xrange(maxToCheck):
              target = f1(n)
              for f in [f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9]:
                  assert(f(n) == target)
          print "All functions match up to n =", maxToCheck
      import time
      def timeFnCall(f, n):
          # call f(n) and return time in ms
          # Actually, since one call may require less than 1 ms,
          # we'll keep calling until we get at least 1 secs,
          # then divide by # of calls we had to make
          calls = 0
          start = end = time.time()
          while (end - start < 1):
              calls += 1
              end = time.time()
          return float(end - start)/calls*1000 #(convert to ms)
      def timeFnCalls(n, useReverse=False):
          print "\n***************"
          fns = [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9]
          if (useReverse): fns = reversed(fns)
          for f in fns:
              print ("%s(%d) takes %8.3f milliseconds" %
                     (f.__name__, n, timeFnCall(f, n)))
      timeFnCalls(792) # 2**3 * 3**2 * 11**1
      timeFnCalls(32472, True) # 2**3 * 3**2 * 11**1 * 41**1

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