Computer Science 15-112, Fall 2011
Class Notes:  Practice (through week 10 (recursioni))

  1. External resources

    1. Recursive problems @ codingbat
      See recursion-1 and recursion-2.  These are spec'ed for Java, but are easily translated to Python problems.

    2. Sparknotes recursion review
      See here.

    3. Google search
      There are many, many other online resources for recursion practice problems.

  2. Recursive isPalindrome
    A sequence (string or list or tuple) is a palindrome if its first and last elements match, and if the rest of the sequence is also a palindrome.

  3. Recursive bullseye
    Draw a bullseye noting that a bullseye is simply a circle with a smaller bullseye inside it.

  4. Recursive Fractal Sun
    Draw this:

    Note that a fractal sun is composed of a circle of radius r, and 8 rays of length 2*r originating from the center of the circle and radially equally spaced. The external tip of each ray is also the origin of a recursively downsized fractal sun with radius equal to 1/4 of the radius of the sun at the previous level.

  5.  Recursive Turtle Spiral
    Draw this:

    Your function will take two parameters, size and minSize.  The longest side has length equal to size, and each following side is 10% shorter than the previous one. The length of the shortest side is no shorter than minSize.

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